Partner Expectations
By partnering with Community Cakes (“CC”), I agree to the following:
It is the responsibility of the partner to ensure that CC has updated contact information for the partner. It is suggested that there is an alternate contact so that there is more than one way to reach a partner in the event of turnover.
CC relies on volunteer bakers. Submission of a cake request is not a guarantee that a cake will be delivered. While CC makes every effort to ensure that a cake is delivered on the day requested, we can not guarantee the delivery. If it comes to the attention of CC that a baker cannot complete the request, the partner will be notified and it is the partner’s responsibility to make other accommodations.
Cakes must be requested by the 15th of each month, for the following month’s deliveries. Requests received after this time may not be claimed by a baker.
CC cannot ensure the quality of each cake provided. If a baker provides a cake that does not meet the standards outlined here please notify the CC board.
Failure to continue to meet these expectations may result in CC terminating the partnership.
I have read the following terms, and commit to meeting these expectations.
Name of Partner (Facility): ___________________________
Name of Representatvie: _____________________________
Signature: _____________________ Date: ______________
To be completed by CC Board:
Date application received: _________ Date reviewed and accepted by board: __________
Name of Board Member: ______________________ Signature: